IPC lessons with 4th grade – we are learning about human body// IPC w 4 klasie! – uczymy się o ludzkim ciele!
IPC lessons with 4th grade – we are learning about human body// IPC w 4 klasie! – uczymy się o ludzkim ciele!

P1220682 P1220685 P1220686 P1220690 P1220691 P1220695 P1220696 P1220699 P1220700 P1220701 P1220703 P1220704 P1220706 P1220707 P1220708 P1220714 P1220717 P1220718 P1220720 P1220722 P1220725 P1220731 P1220735

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Albert Einstein