School building
Location of Da Vinci's International Primary School
Pilotów 4c

The building is located at Pilotów 4c Street in Krakow and is a combination of a primary school and a secondary school. This way, we provide comprehensive development and accompany children during their whole journey towards adulthood.

In order to ensure the safety of children and young people, we guarantee monitoring and fencing of the facility to prevent unauthorized persons from entering it.

nowoczesne liceum dwujęzyczne w krakowie

nowoczesne liceum dwujęzyczne w krakowie

nowoczesne liceum dwujęzyczne w krakowie

nowoczesne liceum dwujęzyczne w krakowie

nowoczesne liceum dwujęzyczne w krakowie

nowoczesne liceum w krakowie dwujęzyczne da vinci

nowoczesne liceum w krakowie dwujęzyczne da vinci

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Albert Einstein