Summer Activities – Science Week
Summer Activities – Science Week

19th - 23rd July - Science Week

We covered a lot of interesting topics during Science Week. We learned about extreme atmospheric phenomena, did a jar tornado experiment, and created beautiful posters. With so many different activities, everyone could find something for themselves.



We also went to the Stanisław Lem Science Garden in Cracow, where we could use various devices to learn and understand some laws of nature. We got acquainted with a rainbow prism, Newton’s disk, we looked into a kaleidoscope of mirrors in which we could see countless versions of our own reflections, and we discovered many other devices presenting various physical phenomena. There was time to have fun too, because there was a huge playground in the Science Garden. It was an eventful day, and at the end no one wanted to go back home yet.



We remind you that you still can see what we were doing during previous weeks of summer holidays.

IT Week

Nature Week

'In the saddle' Week


Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Albert Einstein