A play about a very hungry Caterpillar performed by 0 graders!/ Sztuka o głodnej gąsienicy w wykonaniu dzieci z zerówki!
A play about a very hungry Caterpillar performed by 0 graders!/ Sztuka o głodnej gąsienicy w wykonaniu dzieci z zerówki!

P1180349 P1180351 P1180352 P1180358 P1180356 P1180353 P1180360 P1180362 P1180364 P1180365 P1180373 P1180367 P1180371 P1180372 P1180381 P1180379 P1180377 P1180376 P1180374 P1180383 P1180385 P1180387 P1180391 P1180393 P1180394 P1180395 P1180401 P1180403

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.

Albert Einstein