Field Trip to Dolina Mnikowska with Grades 1-3

Journey to Dolina Mnikowska

Students from grades 1-3 have recently gone on a day trip. During it, they visited the open-air museum, painted on glass and admired the nature in Dolina Mnikowska. After all these activities, one more attraction awaited them – preparing their own meal on the fire. Needless to say, they had a great time doing it!


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Cyanotype during Arts

Cyanotype in art classes

During one of the last art lessons, our students learned about cyanotype. This photography technique allows you to obtain reflections of various objects on paper or other material. The final work is characterized by a blue color, known as Prussian blue.

During the classes, students had the opportunity to make their own work, using the cyanotype, using both plants and pens. The effects can be viewed below!


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Art classes for Mother’s Day

Art Classes – Mother’s Day Portraits

Although we do not celebrate Mother’s Day in Poland until May 26, in many countries around the world mothers receive gifts much earlier. On this occasion, our students made unique pictures during the art lesson, which you can admire here!


Go Green! – Chalk, Vinegar and Rockets

Experiments during Go Green classes

In the last Go Green class, the students performed two experiments. During the first one, they investigated the effect of acid rain on rocks with the use of chalk and vinegar. Chalk is made of limestone, which is mainly composed of calcium carbonate. Vinegar, on the other hand, is an acid that simulates the effects of acid rain faster than it naturally occurs in nature, so you can observe this process in a shorter time.

For the second experiment, straws were needed for making paper rockets. The students noticed that the harder they blow into the straw, the further the rocket lands. This is because the air accumulated in the paper roll has no escape route and presses against the sealed end of the straw. Thereby, pressure is exerted, large enough to push the rocket roll out far away.


Visit in Botanical Garden

Field Trip to Botanical Garden

Quite recently, our students visited the botanical garden, where they took part in workshops at the Beekeeper Academy. In doing so, they learned a lot of interesting things about bees, and in the end they could even taste the honey they made. It was surely an unforgettable trip for them!



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